This is how I feel writing this post after my sixth session. 

There have been some changes since my post. I'm not trying to flatter myself by thinking they're reading these posts, but the views on those posts are significantly higher than my perfume reviews, and some of my gripes, I noticed, were resolved. The math is math-ing. 

I saw a timetable when I went in! They knew someone was coming in first thing in the morning for laser. The place didn't look understaffed/spread thin. The minute I arrived, I was treated for laser. Caveat: I requested to be the first one and arrived 5 minutes early. They were incredibly thorough this time. Once the usual tech was done, formerly known as Incompetent One(?) came in to observe my results. I have a bad memory and don't know the workers' names. 

I still have hair growth, It's definitely less than what I used to have, but there are patches of coarse hair. For the most part, my armpits have sparse, thin hairs that almost look blond/translucent. I have great results. I'm trying to get the remaining coarse hairs because they're super noticeable; they look like nose hairs sticking out, which isn't cute.

She came in hot, suggesting my usual tech to dial it back on ultrasound gel. I always feel like there isn't enough because my armpits BURN. Note to self: stop requesting to crank up the heat because I always regret my decision. 

She closely observed my armpits and detected some areas had dark hair follicles/discoloration, so she WENT IN! Extremely thorough. She'd remove her protective eyewear, observe, treat the area, and observe again. She was stretching my skin to get into all the crevices. At one point, I felt like I was getting a breast exam with her manipulations. They knew how long I'd been treated and how long it's been since my last session. 

If it truly is the Incompetent One of Legend [trying to redeem] herself, why didn't she treat me last time? I'm making a mountain of a molehill, but it's a valid question. Laser hair removal is quick. My session with my usual tech lasts about 5-10 minutes. And now I know you can do it. If you greeted me/were waiting at the front desk, you have downtime. The facial client can have the mask stay on or steam a little longer. You're not actively assisting the client. I'm out, and then you can focus completely on said client. Keep one waiting, or keep two waiting? My room will open up for another client to make more money.

My issues appear resolved. Unfortunately, crying and having breakdowns work wonders. I hope this positive experience becomes the standard for the future: concrete schedule, respecting appointment times, having the greeter follow through with treatment to avoid misunderstandings, and thoroughness in treatments. They have found their groove after expanding, which I am pleased about. Love that for them. 


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