About Me

My name is Vivien. Notice the 'e.'

I think my blog name is both stupid and funny because it pokes fun at my body odor, and I smell a lot of perfumes for content.

I mainly try out and enjoy floral, woody, or fresh/citrus perfumes. Although I mostly stick to florals, I'm not the biggest fan of white flowers or roses. So far, I haven't been converted to the cult of gourmands, but I'm warming up to them. I also enjoy fruit or tea perfumes.

I'm open to trying new, niche, and unconventional scents, but I think my perfume tastes are relatively tame and basic. I still haven't learned to appreciate "weirder" scents. 

I dislike perfumes more often than I like them, to the point where I'm convinced I might not like perfumes.

Some of my favorite scents: Lily of the Valley, citruses, brown butter, wisteria, peach, tea, coffee, chocolate, and vanilla (occasionally)...

Some of my favorite perfumes: Chloé EDP & Love Story, Glossier You, Armani My Way, Givenchy L'Interdit, Maison Louis Marie Vallée de Farney & Bousval, Le Labo Ylang 49 & Thé Noir 29, 19-69 Capri, Byredo Bal D'Afrique & Rose of No Man's Land.

I'm not a professional perfumer, nor do I have relevant qualifications. I'm a casual fan of perfumes who enjoys pleasant smells, wants to know what exciting fragrances are on the market to recommend to friends, and wants to expand my knowledge of notes and all things related to scent. I also want to be like Hannibal Lecter or Grenouille from Perfume: the Story of a Murderer in that I want to be able to name scents and pick out fragrance notes, not in other nefarious ways. 

While most posts will be about fragrances, I will also post content related to cosmetics like skincare, nail care, etc.

If you'd like to follow my blog, you can follow my Twitter for new post updates OR if you have a blogger account, add my blog to your reading list (enter my URL after clicking the manage button).

I post on days that are multiples of 5 (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30) at 11 AM EST. 


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