Perfumes are composed of several notes, ordered in perfect harmony like music. While I can read music notes individually in chords, I can't distinguish fragrance notes individually in perfumes. To improve my fragrance note literacy, I need to learn from Grenouille (to some extent...) from Perfume: The Story of a Murderer and develop a scent library/scent memory palace. Maybe while acclimatizing myself with all the wondrous scents, I will also develop my own perfume without harming any people, of course, in the process. 

Ambergris. I remember watching H2O and the girls going gaga over this scent. I recently tried a perfume with this as one of the notes, so I'd like to smell it by itself. 

Apple Blossom. It's a somewhat common note, yet I don't know what it smells like. I have a lot of floral perfumes on my wishlist, so knowing this scent will come in handy someday. 

Cedar. Many perfumes reviewed so far have this note, and they're either a hit or a miss. It'd be nice to know how I stand with this note once and for all, so I can avoid or embrace it. 

Fig Leaf. There's a fig tree in my backyard, but I smell nothing from it, even after pressing my nose right up against it. 

Frangipani. This is a tropical flower, and as someone who hates the heat and sun, I haven't been to any tropical areas. 

Frankincense (olibanum) + Myrrh. I've previously said that I am wary of olibanum in perfumes because it creates this incense scent that I dislike. It's an expensive ingredient commonly used in religious processions with myrrh. I want to know whether or not I like them. 

Gardenia. I haven't smelled gardenias in ages. My father once brought a flower from my aunt's house and gave it to me. I remember liking the scent and having it permeate my room at night.  

Geranium. I have this geranium leaf hand sanitizer from Aesop that I'm not a fan of. 

Honeysuckle + Jasmine. I know what honeysuckle and jasmine smell like, and I like how they smell, but I had some bad experiences.

Iris (purple and yellow). I'll find out the difference in smell if there is. I don't remember smelling these flowers before. 

Lilac. I think I've seen lilac bushes around, smelled it, and enjoyed it. Getting this fragrance is about putting a name to scents.

Lotus Flower. I like floral scents and aquatic notes, so I think I'd enjoy lotus flowers.

Neroli & Orange Blossom: both common notes in fragrances.

Oud. I have never smelled oud and keep hearing how great it is. 

Patchouli + Sandalwood + Vetiver. A common bases of perfumes that I don't know the smell of individually.

Saffron. I mainly know saffron as a cooking ingredient. Some fragrances I've tried or want to try contain this note.

Wisteria. Love the smell of it and want to have it around. 

Ylang Ylang. After loving Ylang 49, I want to know what it smells like. 


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